Saint Joseph Church

2213 Brooklyn Avenue

Fort Wayne, Indiana

(260) 432 5113

(260) 432-4711 fax










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It is the hope of the Pastor that members of the church and this parish, would celebrate this Sacrament often, sharing in the graces that come from making a good confession and reconciling with God and the church.  To ensure that everyone has the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament well, and not have to be in a hurry or rush, the Sacrament is regularly celebrated on Saturday following the 8:00 AM Mass, until all are heard.  The further invitation is made for you to call the priest in the parish to make a appointment so that you can take a little more time which may be needed to also receive a little spiritual uplifting.


For those who come into the church through the R.C.I.A., the Neophyte receives this Sacrament for the first time during the Mystagogical period.  (the seven weeks following Easter.)


For those who were baptized as infants, preparations are made and instructions are given to them during the second grade year in our Catholic school or in the Religious Formation classes.  In accordance with the law of the church, the children are made to experience this sacrament just prior to the reception of their First Holy Communion.