
Saint Joseph Church

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Celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation


This Sacrament, which is the second part of  the Initiation into the Holy People of God, is usually celebrated at Baptism for the Catechumen who comes into the church at the Easter Vigil.  The priest who baptizes that night, is usually the minister of Confirmation during the rituals. 


For those who were baptized as infants, and are members of this parish, the sacrament is approached during the seventh and eighth grade years.  Our parish works in consort with Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish maintaining a two year program of preparation, enriching the faith already shared by parents, passing along more information to be processed by the student as they become more mature and readied to deepen their commitment to serving Christ in the Roman Catholic Church through participating in this sacrament.  This program is for all who are either in the student body of Saint Joseph – Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton School or for those enrolled in public schools and participating in the Religious Formation program of the parish. 


For adults, who for some reason were not confirmed as a youth, please call our parish secretaries and ask to speak with someone in the parish office about the possibilities and process of participating in the Sacrament of Confirmation.



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